Canada Isn’t Free

Mel B
8 min readNov 13, 2021
Exshaw, Alberta. Circa 2010

As I sit here and write this, it’s still Remembrance Day, 2021. My 42nd birthday. Thank you, so much, to all of those who have fought for peace and freedom around this world, so that we would never have to. You are true heroes.

I’ve spent my life as a Liberal. An absolute leftist. I’ve stood for social issues that affect the people that I grew up with, my friends, neighbours, and family — Canadians. I have always believed, and still believe in a fair and just society for all people. This is Canada. It’s the very least we can do.

At some point, however, we lost our collective way.

Our rooting for one another somehow took a turn and gave way to more focus on our differences, division, and resentment. This has lead to more intolerance than we have ever seen before. The cancel culture means that you’re not even allowed to have your own thoughts outside of the narrative anymore, lest you be silenced, ostracized, cancelled permanently. Look where we are now — gender, race, religion — all of these differences have been stoked very generously and vigorously by, and used by our governments to keep us tense with each other, angry with each other, suspicious of each other, looking to them to solve the very problems and issues that they have created and perpetuated. For example, residential schools in Canada — brought to you by the Liberal government, the father of our current leader — now being used by his son and the current Liberal government, to further destroy Canadian unity.

All of this has lead us to forget what our common thread is as Canadians.

We have a lot to work on to bring this country together, but I believe now, as I have always believed, that we are capable of more than just that. We’re also capable of discovering the incredible things that we are capable of as a diverse society, when we work together.

Canada isn’t free. It is a privilege to live in this country. Wherever we all may have come from in this world, it is a PRIVILEGE, not a right, to live in Canada and be a Canadian (unless you are Aboriginal, then it is indeed your right). There is nothing reprehensible about being a patriot. There are Canadian patriots of all creeds, colours, religions. We all have a right to be proud of our country and what it stands for. We have a right to see our flag flown at full staff, to feel pride in our country and in each other. To feel pride in the ties that bind us, regardless of what makes us different. It isn’t easy to make a country like Canada work, but we do it every day. Remember, our differences are our our collective strength. It’s time to stop allowing the powers that be to use our differences to divide us. Their biggest fear is that one day, we will all come together. They’re working hard to ensure that doesn’t happen.

In this one country, we have a multitude of cultures and strengths that have the potential to bring us all together as one of the most incredible nations on the planet. When you take the strengths of the world and put them all together in one place, that should equate to something truly incredible — and it can! Yet, our governments continue to use these differences to keep us divided and angry with each other, so that they can control us. So many of us have fed into it, blaming each other for our misfortunes in various ways.

Make no mistake, this is all by design.

I consider myself to be a realist. I went down the rabbit hole about 15 years ago, and studied the elitists — the WEF, CFR, central banking systems, massive wealth transfers throughout history, the concentration of wealth in this world and the disparity it causes throughout. The greed of few, the plight of many. I think so many of us have been aware, but we have chosen to keep it somewhere in the back of our minds, because we had to study, work, raise kids, pay bills…it didn’t affect us directly, right? We were ‘free’. Who cares what they’re doing, as long as they leave us alone.

That’s no longer the case…it is affecting all of us now. Worldwide.

This is no longer something that we can afford to pretend isn’t happening. For decades, elitists have been studying ways to lessen the population so that they can limit the potential power of the people to fight back against them. They’ve worked to strengthen their death grip on the world and its resources — all this before they make their grand, final move — which is what we are witnessing right now. I’m not here to take you down the rabbit hole. I’m simply stating the truth so that anyone who reads this might take the initiative to head down that rabbit hole themselves.


From the central banking system, to rigging the economic system — fishing reel in/fishing reel out economics, to fractional reserve lending/creating ‘money’ out of thin air, to economic disasters that transfer the wealth of the many to the few…it’s all real, and we don’t have any more time to pretend that this isn’t happening. It’s been going on for a very long time, and now, it’s endgame.

We’re being censored at every turn, divided at every turn, coerced into taking an experimental mRNA vaccine for a virus that has a survival rate of over 99%. We’re being forced. There is no choice when your livelihood is being threatened. Now, they’re coming for the children. We can no longer pretend that this isn’t happening. It is happening. It is time for humanity to wake up. It’s time for us to realize what is happening to us. The game that is being played. The agenda that is being carried out. None of this is a ‘conspiracy theory’. It is reality. I don’t know what kind of energy these dark individuals are working with for sure, but what I am aware of is nothing less than sinister…and I know it’s a lot worse than what I comprehend.

It’s time for us to end this. It’s time to come together — ALL OF US! Stop letting these greedy, evil people, who control all that influences us in society, divide us. We need to realize that they own all of the companies that deliver us our movies, TV, news, entertainment, social media, internet searches…all of it. They own all of the corporations that provide us with everything from food, to fuel, to medicine, to treatment — everything. They absolutely do control all of it. They have more money than we will ever be able to comprehend. Of course, yes, it is possible for them to carry out an agenda this big, and make no mistake, they are doing it.

This is a war. It is the war of our time. It’s different from the wars of the past, though. It’s worldwide, it’s against all of us, and it’s being waged by the very people who we have all entrusted to protect our rights and freedoms. Our systems are not only broken, they have failed us completely. Every step along the way…every small piece of freedom that they have stolen from us has added up. Every carrot they have dangled has been snatched back. The goalposts keep being moved. Time and again.

Now…we are the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated, and these elitists are raking in billions and billions of dollars — with zero liability.

Take a look back through history. There has never been an instance where the rights of the people have been given back to them, once they have handed them over to the government. Never. We are not going to be given our freedom back no matter how many masks we wear, boosters we take, or how far apart we stand from each other. This ends when we stop complying. Simple as that. We are smarter and better than this, and we have a duty to stand up for one another.

It is time to put an end to this madness. If you feel like you need more information, reach out to people who you know have been deep into this for all or most of this ‘emergency’, and even well before it. Get all of the information you can, while you still can. Study the hell out of every aspect. I know that it seems like it’s far too elaborate of a lie to be so effective — but it’s right in front of you now. There’s no more denying it. The people who are dedicated to seeing this through are very calculated in their actions, and it only takes one element to control people all over the world to the point where you can get them to participate in such sinister bidding. That element is FEAR.

Throughout history, fear has been the ultimate tool used to divide and conquer the people. It’s being used against us right now. None of the resentment we have for each other comes naturally to us — it is all taught! Look at the vaccinated vs unvaccinated narrative — it’s happening right now, right in front of us. Listen to our leaders right now and watch how they’re driving this wedge further and further between all of us…then, look back in time. They’ve been doing it all along!

I don’t care whether you think I’m on the left, the right, whether you think I’m a conspiracy theorist, a nutjob, whatever. I do not care. I’m doing what I know is right in my soul, and I’ve been called every name you can possibly imagine for taking a stand at this point. Remember this, though: The term, ‘conspiracy theory’ was created to stomp out any critical thought or debate regarding the narrative that has been prescribed to the masses. Clearly, this has been an effective strategy. It is time that we take our lives back. Take our thoughts back. Take our FREEDOM back. It’s time that we all start listening to the amazing voice inside of us again. The voice that alerts us when we need to pay attention to what’s going on around us— OUR INSTINCTS!

Canada isn’t free. Everything around us has been designed to lead us away from our instincts, critical thought, accepting ourselves as we are, loving one another, learning from one another. Remember, it’s all by design and it’s not in our nature to behave this way. We’ve been conditioned this way. All of us. We’ve simply accepted this as our reality. We need to realize our own beautiful light, capabilities, and potential again. What we can accomplish for humanity when we all come together. The changes that we are capable of making in this world together. The greed of a few has kept us from doing this. It’s led us down a path designed to take our power from us, and enslave us. It’s time for us to take our power and our freedom back.

Wherever you are in this world, remember, as human beings, our common thread is love. More than ever, we need to love each other, we need to believe in each other, and we need to stand up and fight for what’s right.




Mel B

Writer. Free spirit. World traveler. Entrepreneur. Vegan. Hip-Hop enthusiast. Believer in all things good.